• 1. The concept of Tridosha is associated with which branch of knowledge ?
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  • 2. There is character in Purana, who was born a girl, then turned into a boy, again became a girl and finally became a man forever. Who is this ?
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  • 3. What was the relationship between Vyasa and Pandavas ?
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  • 4. Janaki is another name of ..........
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  • 5. How many Vedangas are there ?
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  • 6. Who is the mother of planet Budha ?
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  • 7. What is the color associated with the element earth ( prithvi ) ?
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  • 8. Who wrote Vedas ?
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  • 9. Bali and Sugreeva were born out of a Vanara in female form. What was this Vanara's name ?
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  • 10. There is one more famous Naina Devi Temple other than Himachal Pradesh. Where is it?
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