• 1. What is the name of the herb brought by Lord Hanuman to save Lakshmana ?
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  • 2. Whose daughter was Lopamudra ?
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  • 3. जननी जन्मभूमिश्च स्वर्गादपि गरीयसी - this is taken from which book ?
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  • 4. Which is the birthplace of Lord Sri Rama?
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  • 5. What is the meaning of Ayodhya ?
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  • 6. According to Bala Gangadhara Tilak, what is the representation of Indra ?
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  • 7. Who is well known for his teachings on Practical Vedanta ?
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  • 8. Who received upadesha of karma yoga from Lord Krishna first ?
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  • 9. Who is the father of Yama?
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  • 10. Which among these places is not famous for Akshaya Vata - Immortal banyan tree?
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