• 1. How many chapters are there in Bhagavad Gita ?
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  • 2. How many times the Puranas are written in a Kalpa ?
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  • 3. How did the Himalayas help in safe guarding India's unity ?
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  • 4. What is the meaning of the term Ritvik ?
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  • 5. How did Lord Rama along with Seetha and Lakshmana return to Ayodhya from Lanka ?
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  • 6. Who was Jatayu's father ?
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  • 7. Who incarnated as Dronacharya?
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  • 8. Who were the two asuras born from the ear wax of Mahavishnu ?
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  • 9. Who is known as Gaangeya ?
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  • 10. Which temple is connected to Mahadeva, one among the Ashtamurthys of Lord Shiva ?
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