• 1. Who stole Vedas from Brahma?
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  • 2. Who is the Chief Goddess of Puri Jagannath Temple ?
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  • 3. Surya Deva took birth from the womb of Aditi to protect Devas. What is this birth called ?
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  • 4. Bhavaprakasha Nighantu is connected to which subject ?
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  • 5. Who bears the day to day expenses at Ram Lalla Mandir, Ayodhya ?
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  • 6. Which place in Tamil Nadu is called Halasyam ?
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  • 7. Which son of Dhritarashtra survived the battle of Kurukshetra ?
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  • 8. Bhakti Sutras are attributed to which Maharshi ?
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  • 9. Which deity is described as seated on five corpses ( Pancha pretasana aaseena )
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  • 10. Who is the author of Nyaya Kusumanjali ?
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