• 1. Which among these is Namatraya Astra Mantra ?
    Please select any one of these options
  • 2. Who was the Raja purohita of Dasharatha ?
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  • 3. How many Rishis are considered to be the propounders of Astrology ?
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  • 4. Who are the husbands of Apsaras?
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  • 5. Who among the following is not one of the Dasha Mahavidyas ?
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  • 6. Who is the Lord of Shashti tithi ?
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  • 7. How is the yajnopaveeta worn by the performer during last rites ?
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  • 8. According to Yaska, what is the representation of Vritrasura ?
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  • 9. Which is the primary dravya used for performing Agnihotra ?
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  • 10. Which Purana is Satyanarayana Vrata Katha part of?
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