• 1. Which peak of Trikuta parvata did Hanumanji land on when he jumped across the sea to Lanka ?
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  • 2. Which is called the fruit of the tree called Veda?
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  • 3. Who was Pandu's mother ?
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  • 4. Which is the Ayurvedic text authored by Agastya Rishi?
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  • 5. Which legend is Ashtabhuja Perumal temple, Kanchipuram associated with?
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  • 6. Natural kumkum applied on the forehead and used in puja for archana is made from ?
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  • 7. Why Lakshamana could recognize only the noopura of Seetha Devi ?
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  • 8. In Gajendramoksha, who cursed Indradyumna to become an elephant ?
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  • 9. Who saved Parikshit from Brahmastra employed by Ashwatthama?
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  • 10. Between Balarama and Krishna, who was elder?
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