• 1. Who was the Guru of Surdas ?
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  • 2. Where did Lord Krishna spend his childhood ?
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  • 3. Which was the weapon that played a major role in destroying Asuras at the venue of the churning of the ocean ?
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  • 4. At the time when Valmiki wrote Ramayana, was Lord Rama present on earth ?
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  • 5. Who killed Vritrasura ?
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  • 6. Who is the Guru of Lord Krishna ?
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  • 7. Wha is the name of Kaikeyi's maid who instigated her ?
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  • 8. Which among the following is a highlight of Gandhiji's principle of non violence ?
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  • 9. What is the purpose of Mundana ( removal of hair ) samskara ?
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  • 10. Which among the following is not a vehicle of Lord Ganesha ?
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