• 1. When Lord Krishna went as the messenger for Pandavas to Hastinapuri, he was offered a golden throne in the court of Kauravas. What was the name of this throne ?
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  • 2. Who is the author of Mukunda Mala ?
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  • 3. Who is the Kavi (poet) among Navagrahas ?
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  • 4. Where was Adi Shankaracharya born ?
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  • 5. What was the name of the first son of Devaki - Vasudeva couple ?
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  • 6. Agastya Maharshi was born from a pot, hence he is called Kumbhasambhava. Someone else was also born from the same kumbha. What is his name ?
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  • 7. Which Apsara tried to disturb Vishwamaitra's tapas ?
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  • 8. Which tusk of Lord Ganesha is broken ?
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  • 9. The priest called Hota in yajna belongs to which branch of Veda ?
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  • 10. What was the name of Yudhishtira when he was staying with King Virata during ajnata vasa ?
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