• 1. Who is the chief deity in Mudgala Puranam ?
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  • 2. Who has interpreted Bhagavad Gita from a Shaiva perspective ?
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  • 3. What is Yama - Yami Samvada about ?
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  • 4. Who among these was tied up and kept by Ravana in Lanka ?
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  • 5. Kailasa is in which country ?
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  • 6. Durga Saptashati is part of which scripture ?
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  • 7. Khandoba , a regional God of Maharashtra is considered to be an incarnation of .......
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  • 8. Who among the following is not a Tamil Saivaite Saint ?
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  • 9. Who is known as Radheya?
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  • 10. Lord Vishnu took avatara to support Mount Mandara from below when the milky ocean was being churned . What is this avatara called ?
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