• 1. Which Upanishad talks about Panchayatana Puja ?
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  • 2. Other than Sanskrit, in which language has Sri Thyagaraja Swami composed ?
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  • 3. Which Apsara tried to disturb Vishwamaitra's tapas ?
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  • 4. What is the name of the forest that Pandavas burned to build their capital, Indraprastha ?
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  • 5. Who is known as Chakrapani ?
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  • 6. Who wrote Mahabharata in Oriya ?
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  • 7. In which state do you find the followers of Paippalada Samhita of Atharva Veda?
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  • 8. Which month is important for Pandarpur pilgrimage ?
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  • 9. Who is called Trivikrama?
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  • 10. What is the name of the Rakshasi whom Hanumanji killed on the way to Lanka ?
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