• 1. Between these two, which once does a bhakta prefer?
    Please select any one of these options
  • 2. Who is called Jeemootaketu ?
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  • 3. Who wrote down the puranas as Vyasa dictated ?
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  • 4. Who is the Senadhipati of Lord Vishnu ?
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  • 5. Which of these is a samskara performed before the birth of the child itself ?
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  • 6. Who is the writer of Vedangajyotisham?
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  • 7. Which of the following is NOT correct about Tripura Bhairavi ?
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  • 8. Lord Vishnu took avatara to support Mount Mandara from below when the milky ocean was being churned . What is this avatara called ?
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  • 9. After which samskara is the child called Dwija ( second birth ) ?
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  • 10. Agni is also worsiped paired with Soma. What is this pair called?
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