• 1. Which book is Pancharatra Agama based on?
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  • 2. Which is the Veda that deals with Medicines and healing ?
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  • 3. Who among the following wrote vyakhyas of Upanishads ?
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  • 4. Which lunar month is Rama Navami celebrated?
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  • 5. The concept of Tridosha is associated with which branch of knowledge ?
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  • 6. Who was younger among the two brothers of Ravana?
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  • 7. Shastras consider the posterior parts of Cow as pure and auspicious. Likewise, which part of horse is auspicious ?
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  • 8. What was Bheeshma's name during childhood?
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  • 9. What is the relationship between Bali and Sugreeva ?
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  • 10. Who gave Bhishmacharya the boon of Iccha-Mrityu ?
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