• 1. What was the material used for building houses of Rakshasas in Lanka ?
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  • 2. Who is the avatara of the eleventh Rudra ?
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  • 3. Why are Brahmins called twice born?
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  • 4. How many pakshas are there in a month?
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  • 5. यम किस दिशा का स्वामी हैं ?
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  • 6. Whose incarnation was Jarasandha?
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  • 7. Which form of Parvathy Devi is the nourisher of the world?
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  • 8. How many verses are there in Perumal Tirumozhi?
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  • 9. Which is called the fruit of the tree called Veda?
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  • 10. What are the energy centers in the path of Kundalini called?
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