• 1. Which among these is not a yama as per yoga shastra ?
    Please select any one of these options
  • 2. Which is the holy river that flows through Leh - Ladakh region ?
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  • 3. Who is the author of Thirukkural ?
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  • 4. Which temple is dedicated to Brahma ?
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  • 5. Which is the primary dravya used for performing Agnihotra ?
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  • 6. Who among the following was killed by Rama?
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  • 7. From where did Kashmir get its name ?
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  • 8. Who is the king of Devas ?
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  • 9. Who killed Dronacharya ?
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  • 10. In Vivaha samskara, only upon completion of which of these is the marriage considered as valid ?
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