• 1. What is the name of Jatayu's brother whom the vanara sena met on the seashore while searching for Seetha Matha ?
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  • 2. To whom was Nachiketas offered in daanam ?
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  • 3. Who wrote Ramayana?
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  • 4. In Vivaha Samskara, along with whom does the bride perform Laja Homa ?
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  • 5. What was the name of the yaga performed by King Dasharatha to beget children?
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  • 6. Angarki Chaturthi is associated with which planet?
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  • 7. Wha is the name of Kaikeyi's maid who instigated her ?
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  • 8. Who is the avatara of the eleventh Rudra ?
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  • 9. As per the principle of non violence of Gandhiji, is a mouse forgiving a cat ready to pounce upon him considered as ahimsa ?
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  • 10. Who is the guardian deity of South ?
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