Special - Kubera Homa - 20th, September

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Perseverance supersedes physical handicaps

Knowledge Bank

What exactly is Brahman?

The universe around us is not permanent. Its life span is 4.32 billion years. Like a wave rising up from the sea and then falling back into it, the universe also comes out of Brahman and dissolves back into Brahman. It is a small part of Brahman that becomes the universe. The beginningless, endless and eternal reality is Brahman.

What are Vedic remedies?

Vedic remedies are ancient remedies prescribed by our Sages to bring balance and harmony to the body, mind, and life. These remedies traditionally include yoga, meditation, chanting mantras, havans, pujas, pilgrimages, charity, reading scriptures, fasting, and lifestyle changes.


Who is the king of Devas ?
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