Is Shukadeva The Father Of Vyasa?


We are going to start the second chapter of the first skandha of Srimad Bhagavata.
The first shloka:
इति संप्रश्नसंहृष्टो विप्राणां रौमहर्षणिः।
प्रतिपूज्य वचस्तेषां प्रवक्तुमुपचक्रमे॥
Here the term vipra has a particular significance.
Normally it means Brahmins.
But here the dhatu is प्रा पूरणे
विशेषेण वक्तारमात्मानं च भक्त्या पूरयन्तीति विप्राः
The vipras, the rishis here have filled both the narrator and themselves with bhakti.
They are so eager to listen to the stories of Bhagavan that they have charged up even Suta with bhakti, filled him with bhakti.
Raumaharshani means the son of Romaharshana, Suta, Ugrashrava who is going to narrate Bhagavata.
As we had seen earlier, Suta's father Romaharshana whenever he narrated the Puranas, the audience used to get goosebumps, in excitement.
Not only Romaharshana, but his son Ugrashrava's narration also has the same quality.
Moreover, seeing the excitement of the rishis, he is charged up with bhakti as well.
यं प्रव्रजन्तमनुपेतमपेतकृत्यं द्वैपायनो विरहकातर आजुहाव।
पुत्रेति तन्मयतया तरवोऽभिनेदुस्तं सर्वभूतहृदयं मुनिमानतोऽस्मि॥
Suta is offering namaskara to Shukadeva.
Shukadeva was a purna-jnani from the previous birth itself.
He was parabrahma-swaroopee.
He was renouncing the world and going away even before his upanayana was performed.
What is upanayana for?
It is after upanayana that you can start learning the Vedas.
But Shukadeva has nothing more to learn.
His knowledge is complete even now.
After learning the Vedas, you perform various acts as prescribed in the Shruti and Smriti.
Acts that will purify you and make you eligible for higher worlds such as Swargaloka or Satyaloka.
But Shukadeva has already attained Parabrahma.
All these worlds are inferior for him.
Shukadeva has nothing more to learn and nothing to do.
Samskaras are performed for attaining purity of the body as well.
But Shukadeva's body also does not require any more purity, it is already pure.
He has taken birth as the son of Vyasa who is an avatara of Srihari himself.
His body already is pure.
Then why should his upanayana be performed?
So Shukadeva decided to go away from everything.
Pravrajantam- Pravrajya means sanyasa, total renunciation.
He is going away because of the fear of getting attached to the world and falling from the height that he is already at.
Attachment to the affection and protection of his father.
Attachment to the surroundings.
The comfort of the ashrama.
But Vyasa is going after him, calling Putra..Putra...
What is Vyasa's concern?
Vyasa is a little deluded here.
Shloka says Dvaipayana.
The one born on the island.
This is to show that Vyasa is an avatara of Bhagavan.
Island in the middle of Yamuna, the Lord's favorite Yamuna.
Sage Parashara meditated upon Bhagavan and he was born on an island in the middle of Yamuna and his mother Satyavati remained a virgin even after his birth.
Shukadeva does not have a mother.
He was born from the seed of Vyasa which fell on arani, the wooden churn used to generate Agni for homa.
Vyasa is a little deluded because he has forgotten who he really was.
It was when Narada reminded him later that Vyasa realized who he really was.
Vyasa has attachment towards his son.
He doesn't want to be separated from him.
He is trying to stop Shukadeva from going away.
Vyasa knows that Shukadeva is going for sanyasa.
But sanyasa should be entered into ideally after going through the ashramas of brahmacharya, garhasthya, and vanaprastha.
That is the path prescribed in the shastras.
Even before entering into brahmacharya Shukadeva is going to be a sanyasi.
Is he breaking the convention?
Is that alright?
Then, Shukadeva probably has fear in his mind that he will get attached.
That means Bhagavan is not there in his mind.
If Bhagavan is there in his mind then how can he have fear for anything, fear about anything?
These are Vyasa's concerns.
Shukadeva does not answer him.
He doesn't recognize the call Son..Son
He is nobody's son.
He is Parabrahma.
He doesn't even recognize that it was him Vyasa was addressing as son.
But then the trees answered back.
They also said Putra..Putra
They called Vyasa, Putra...Putra.
Shukadeva is Parabrahma.
That means he is everything.
The trees are also him.
They are not different from him, not separate from him.
If Vyasa can call Shukadeva son, Shukadeva can also call Vyasa son.
The father-son relationship itself is an illusion.
Then it is only the literal meaning of the term Putra.
पुन्नाम नरकात् त्रायत इति पुत्रः
Anyone who saves you from falling into the naraka called Pum is a putra.
Seeing that Shukadeva is ignoring Vyasa's call, the trees are answering on his behalf.
Because Shukadeva has attained tanmayee-bhava with everything, everything in the whole universe.
Shukadeva himself is answering through the trees, as the trees.
If I am your son, then you are also my son.
Or realize that there is no father, there is no son.
This is a reminder for Vyasa.
There are two more reasons why trees answered.
Veda says- वैष्णवा वै वनस्पतयः
Trees are Vaishnavas.
Shukadeva is Vaishanava.
Veda also says:
वाग्वै देवेभ्योऽपाक्रामद्यज्ञायातिष्ठमाना सा वनस्पतीन्प्राविशत्सैषा वाग्वनस्पतिषु वदति
Speech entered the trees.
Speech is present in the trees.
They can speak.
See where all it gets connected.
A clear connection between Bhagavata and Veda.




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