The highest goal of married life is to have children with excellent qualities. Healthy, strong, virtuous, and famous children are always desired. The natural design of a man and woman makes procreation natural. However, for a virtuous child, parents must consciously engage in this act. The act of conception performed with proper rituals is known as Garbhadhana Samskara. Parents must prepare themselves physically and mentally because the future child is a reflection of their own self. Therefore, a son is called 'Atmaj' and a daughter 'Atmaja'.
In 'Smriti Sangraha,' it is written: 'Nishekad baijikam chaino garbhikam chapamrjyate. Kshetrasamskaraasiddhishcha garbhadhana phalam smritam.'
This means, through the proper performance of rituals during conception, good and worthy children are born. This samskara removes sins related to semen and conception, cleanses faults, and sanctifies the field (womb). This is the fruit of Garbhadhana samskara.
After thorough research, medical science also agrees that the thoughts and emotions of the man and woman at the time of conception influence their semen and ovum. Hence, the child born from this union naturally reflects the emotions of the parents.
As per 'Sushruta Samhita,' 'Ahara-achara-cheshtabhiryadṛishobhiḥ samanvitau, stripumsau samupeyatam tayoh putro’pi tadrshaḥ.'
This means that the child takes after the parents' food habits, behavior, and actions.
According to Dhanvantari, the son is born as per the type of man the woman sees after her menstrual bath. So, if a woman desires a son with qualities like her husband or a brave one like Abhimanyu, a devotee like Dhruva, a self-realized soul like Janaka, or a generous one like Karna, she should envision these ideals and contemplate them with pure feelings on the fourth day after her menstrual cycle. A child conceived in the third part of the night (12 to 3 AM) becomes a devotee of Hari and righteous.
Keeping these facts in mind, the Garbhadhana process is arranged as a sacred religious duty, with proper prayers to gods and goddesses for their blessings. In short, before conception, after purifying oneself, one should pray with this mantra:
'Garbham dhehi Siniwali garbham dhehi Prithustuke. Garbham te Ashwini devavadhaattam pushkarasrajau.'
This means: 'O Goddess Siniwali and O Goddess Prithustuka with broad hips, grant this woman the strength to conceive and nourish her. May the Ashwini Kumaras, adorned with garlands of lotuses, nourish her womb.'
There are many restrictions for intercourse aimed at conception, such as avoiding it in dirty or unclean states, during menstruation, at dawn or dusk, or when emotions like worry, fear, or anger arise. Conception during the day leads to a depraved and low-born child. The demon Hiranyakashipu was born to Diti because she insisted on conceiving at twilight. Intercourse is also prohibited during Shraddha days, festivals, and Pradosha period.
Desire, when aligned with righteousness, is considered sacred. The Bhagavad Gita states:
'Dharmaviruddho bhuteshu kamo’smi'
'I am desire that is not opposed to dharma.'
Thus, conception should be performed at an auspicious time with prayer and purity. This controls lust and fills the mind with good thoughts.
If you want a healthy and virtuous child, follow these guidelines from Jyotishastra and Dharmashastra:
How to Determine This?
Count from the wife’s janma rasi as the first. Identify the 3rd, 6th, 10th, and 11th rasis. Use the panchangam to check the nakshatra on the first day of menstruation.
Conclusion: Garbhadhana samskara is a sacred process involving rituals and prayers to ensure the birth of virtuous children. The process aims to purify and sanctify conception, aligning it with divine blessings and righteousness. It emphasizes the importance of conscious planning and emotional purity during conception, considering the profound impact on the future generation.
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