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🌟 Vedadhara is enlightning us with the hiden gems of Hindu scriptures! 🙏📚 -Aditya Kumar

Thanks for the wonderful informations and insights into hindu religion. Namaskarams 🙏 -Shanthi Sukumar

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How to strengthen your bhakti?

Bhakti can be strengthened by developing indifference towards objects which give pleasure to the five sensory organs: ears, skin, eyes, tongue, and nose, and by also avoiding thinking about them. A mind absorbed in Bhagavan becomes stronger and stronger in bhakti.

What does Veda say about periods?

As per Krishna Yajurveda Kanda 2. Prashna 2. Anuvaka 2, women accepted part of Indra's brahmahatya dosha in return for permission for physical relationship only for pleasure. Until then, physical relationship was permitted only for procreation. A woman's body carries this sin during menstrual days. Vedic tradition advises vrata during these days, which has several health and spiritual benefits.


Who is the chief deity in Mudgala Puranam ?
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