Mantra For Long Life For Both Husband And Wife



Good Spiritual Service -Rajaram.D

Thank you -Peter Joseph

Mantras = endless positive vibes. My happy place! 😌🌟 -Shiva Rath

Marvelous! 💯❤️ -Keshav Divakar

Brilliant! -Abhilasha

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What does Lila mean in Hinduism?

Anything done by a divinity playfully, joyfully, and without effort is called a Lila. Lord Rama destroyed Ravana and his Rakshasa-army effortlessly. Lord Krishna destroyed millions of Asuras in Naimisharanaya in a second. These are examples of Lilas.

What is the significance of the Shakti Pithas?

Shakti Pithas are a chain of places on the Indian subcontinent famous for their spiritual significance in Hinduism. Sati Devi went to attend a yaga performed by her father, Daksha. There, her husband Lord Shiva was insulted. She self-immolated by jumping into the fire. Shiva roamed around with her corpse in a mood to destroy the world. Lord Vishnu cut her corpse using his SudarshanaChakra. Parts of her body and ornaments fell in 51 holy places. They are the Shakti Pithas where devotees throng for blessings and MantraSiddhi.


Ashwamedhika Parva is part of which book?

ऋध्यास्म हव्यैर्नमसोपसद्य। मित्रं देवं मित्रधेयं नो अस्तु। अनूराधान् हविषा वर्धयन्त:। शतं जीवेम शरदस्सवीरा:।। ridhyasma havyairnamasopasadya. mitram devam mitradheyam no astu. anuradhan havisha vardhayanta:. shatam jivema sharadassavira:......

ऋध्यास्म हव्यैर्नमसोपसद्य। मित्रं देवं मित्रधेयं नो अस्तु। अनूराधान् हविषा वर्धयन्त:। शतं जीवेम शरदस्सवीरा:।।

ridhyasma havyairnamasopasadya. mitram devam mitradheyam no astu. anuradhan havisha vardhayanta:. shatam jivema sharadassavira:..

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